It all happened like this.... Remember I was blogging about getting free stuff via the efforts of your kids. Well, the two oldest came up trumps on many fronts but junior had yet to prove his worth as "son of the Queen of Free Stuff". This past weekend he stepped up to the plate and batted his sisters out of the ball park!!! You see, via our second born we scored the deal of the century at the Marriott Waterfront in Seattle, two blocks from Pike Place Market, Luxury hotel, 54" flat screen in the room, pool, hot tub. Two nights for $58.00!!! So good, we had to invite the neighbours and their 2 boys. How can junior beat that??? WELL.... When the neighbours kids arrived, all the kids scampered off to explore the hotel, with strict instructions to be back in 15 minutes (and NO knocking on doors and running away, with the exception of the Presidential suite - even I wanted to knock on that door!) Anyway, a bottle of wine was opened, conversation ensued and, before we knew it, an hour had passed. Hey, lets go down to the bar and continue the evening without the kids I said.We can get them an in room movie and some snacks..... Hold on!..Where ARE the kids??? Curious, they should have been back ages ago. No panic, they are with a 14 year old. We'll spot them on the way down and send them to the room with their sitter. Good plan, if only we could find them!! They weren't anywhere. We decided to ask the official looking "Men in Black" guy who had been hovering over by the elevator, speaking into his walkie talkie and looking harrassed. "Have you seen 3 young boys lately" we enquired nonchalantly? "How old?" he asked. We told him. He looked as if the penny had just dropped. He headed over to the elevator and pressed a button on the intercom. "how old are you guys in there?" he asked and looked shocked when Maxim answered in his pre-pubescent little boy voice.!!! Seems the boys had been stuck in the elevator for one hour and were likely to be there for another while the elevator guy made his way through rush hour traffic!! Between laughing, reassuring them and teasing them that the air was about to run out, ( dont say you wouldn't have taken that opportunity yourself!) we all feigned great concern and were ushered to the bar to wait for their release. I did pop out once or twice, just to be a good mum, but, what with the free babysitter on guard outside the elevator and the free bar tab in the restaurant (they gave us $150.00 credit, as an apology for our distress) we decided to milk the situation. Well, one of the kids did need to go to the washroom - that was stressful to think of! Eventually the kids were released by a guy with a crowbar. And treated to mocktails as their part of the spoils. Plus we all received free breakfast in the restaurant next morning! YEAH!!! I think we've just hit upon a new money making scheme. Shame I couldn't persuade the kids to jump up and down in the elevator at the Music Project. Well, it worked beautifully at the Marriott! Just don't tell the Hotel Manager!