Wednesday, October 1, 2008

OK this is it, me joining the 21st century on the "world wide web"...who'd have thunk it!!!!
Not that is hasn't taken me long enough! I mean, whats with those stupid "word verification" thingamajigs. By the time you have figured out what the hell it says..fratolay, bibomat, reoutronit.. the thing changes. I gave up three times but here I am now, wondering what the hell do people write about on BLOGS?....mmmm, how about Tupperware.  I'm sure I can't be the only woman to freeze little bits of leftovers to be used "at a later date". It's the environmental thing to do isn't it. This system would work perfectly if I remembered to label the stuff AND if I remembered that it was there in the first place!!! Anyway, I read on an energy saving website that its best to have your freezer full of ANYTHING (even newspaper) as it makes it run more efficiently! PLUS, when did a ball of newspaper ever come in useful as a last minute packed lunch when you realise that you went into the store to by bread but got sidetracked by a deal on mascara!? ( it had free blue nail polish, might come in handy one day!) Anyway, as I said, I think theres no harm to my thriftiness. If only "hubby" would agree. Once in a while, he goes on an organising rant, usually brought on by the "plastics" cupboard exploding or him trying to find a lid for his lunch. It goes something like this:-..."where the hell have all the lunchboxes gone, somebody must have stole them..." (Imagine putting that on your insurance claim form!) Me:- I think there may be a couple in the freezer with.." Him:- Oh no, not the freezer!!! YUP, of he goes to "organise the freezer" After a frenzy of " what is THIS,  Oh, God, heres another one" and me getting really defensive with "I need that, that's tomato sauce (I think) and "that has lentils in, its healthy", we are left with a line up of frost encased boxes (eight in all) and the challenge of identifying them "is that a peach, no I think its a carrot, thats chilli... or is it soup? I couldnt eat that burger, I dont know if its veggie or not!" Anyway, frugal to the last, as I write this there is a lovely pot of "mystery soup" simmering, OK, blubbering on the stovetop. WISH ME LUCK!!!

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